Why Your New Year’s Diet Should Include More Wine

So it’s January 2018 and just like January of 2017, you’re inspired to really commit to a healthier lifestyle. It’s hard not to be caught up in the health crazes that always spring up around the new year. The grocery stores haul their supplements and health food into the middle of the aisles and the gym is twice as crowded as it was last month.

Making a commitment to better health is a great thing, but it can be tough when we have to start giving up our favorite simple pleasures that make these freezing, monotonous winter days fly by. Luckily, wine is NOT one of those things.

Did you know that one to two five-ounce pours of wine per day is actually clinically considered to be beneficial to your health? Don’t believe us, check with scientists and doctors. See? Wine is healthy. Here’s why!

Most people have heard that red wines — like Frontenac — contain lots of antioxidants, which help to fend off cancer causing free radicals; but, recently it was discovered that white wines — like our Traminette — contain the same amount and more in some cases. Blueberry wine is the antioxidant champ, though! That’s because blueberries are nearly the highest antioxidant fruit in the world. Wine can also save you from cold and flu season. In moderation, wine can boost your immune system, helping you to fight off infections. And, just like milk, a glass of wine can help with bone density. Silicon, which is contained in red wines, decreases your chances of osteoporosis.

Wine can help to prevent strokes and heart attacks too! Blood thinning phenols found in red wines break up stroke-causing clots. It also improves blood flow, keeping your heart happy and functional while reducing the risk of heart disease.

Is acing classes, finishing that novel, or learning a language on your New Year’s resolution list? If so, grab a glass of wine before cracking the books. It not only prevents neurons from dying. Just a single glass improves brain function.

Lastly, (this may be obvious) wine also really helps reduce stress! Stress can be extremely detrimental to our health and with cold weather, bad roads, traffic, and taxes coming up, we could all use a little relief.

If a little wine can help you stick to your resolutions and improve your health, we say go for it. Happy 2018, we hope it’s the best yet.

Written by Tanglewood Winery
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